Wherever Life Takes Me

This is a poem I wrote in comemmoration of the life of Mac Miller. Being from Pittsburgh, his music holds a special place in my heart. I hope you enjoy the poem, and click each link to listen to the song the selected lyrics are from. You can also click the video below to play each of the songs in order.

You started as a young Malcom James McCormick
Pittsburgh born and raised
Grew up in Point Breeze, played in Frick Park
You became a rapper at a very young age

“This is my biography It’s really something that you gotta read” -
My Biography / Gotta Make Money

In 2009 you were discovered, and in 2010 signed
The K.I.D.S mixtape was a hit
You started to get off the ground
The Incredibly Dope Tour sold out, you found a sound

“I feel like a million bucks, But my money don’t really feel like I do, And from the ground I built my own damn buzz, People was amazed I was still in high school.” -
Knock Knock

You had finally found your passion
Mac was on top of the world
Making hits and feeling good
Rapping for your neighborhood

“No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile, Pursuit to be happy, only laughing like a child, I never thought life could be this sweet, It got me cheesin from cheek to cheek, And I ain’t gonna wait for nothing, Cause that just ain’t my style, Life couldn’t get better, This ‘gon be the best day ever.” -
Best Day Ever

You were growing fast, mixtape by mixtape
Blue Slide Park dropped and people knew your name
You were happy; number 1 on the Billboards
But none can avoid the dangers of fame.

“I’ma feed the world you can put it on my tab, Run until my legs go numb. I don’t plan on looking back.” -
Frick Park Market

You went on your second tour Macadelic
Performing across the US and Europe too
This album was full of your musings
But it was all overwhelming and tough to get through.

“You take away the pain and I thank you for that, If I ever get the chance, bet I’m paying you back.” -

The stress of successful was undeniable
Lean became the only way to calm
But you kept making music
Living life hoping it wouldn’t explode like a bomb

“Doctor, doctor, please prescribe me something for the pain, Money in machines, those will make you change, If I go tomorrow, I just hope it ain’t in vain, but I can’t complain.” -
I'm Not Real

You lost yourself, didn’t know who you were
You became someone else and rapped as him
Delusional Thomas was his name
It was dark, but it was who you wanted to be, grim.

“If Satan could accompany a halo, then one day, maybe I could be somebody’s angel.” -

You kept putting out music, framed by struggle
First you had lost a girl, now you found drugs
Your fans still loved you, you were still growing
You were hurting, but pushed aside feelings with a shrug

“I’m more than what I think of myself, I really have to be, Sit at home and drink by myself, my thoughts harassing me.” -

After Faces, things seemed to be getting better
You signed with Warner Brothers, now you were shining
GO:OD AM dropped, rapper became artist
You sang about your dark times and how you were realigning

“Them pills I’m popping, I need to man up, Admit it’s a problem, I need a wake up, Before one morning I don’t wake up.” -
Perfect Circle/Godspeed

Things started looking up, you found the girl of your dreams
Made an album about your love for her
Your artistic skill was on full display
Mac Miller was owning the day.

“Said, you just don’t know how beautiful you are, And baby that’s my favorite part.” -
My Favorite Part

In heartbreaking fashion
Cinderalla left her prince
On her you were once reliant
For a year you went silent

Then 2018 came, and Mac was back
With possibly your best work yet
The Swimming album was on repeat
Your new music was a real treat.

“Self care, I’m treatin’ me right, yeah, hell yeah we gonna be alright.” -
Self Care

You sounded so ok
Like you had a handle on it all
But then came September 7th
And even those who seem ok, fall.

That day the world lost a true Pittsburgh kid
No one could believe, I know I sure didn’t
How could one of my favorite artists release new music
And then be gone the next minute.

Two years went by, the loss still fresh in the mind
But with Circles you had one last gift to give
Started by you and finished by John Brion
For a few sweet moments, the world forgot you were gone.

"Well, this is what it look like, Right before you fall" -

It doesn't hurt anyless
But you've been with me through it all
Circles was your last great perfomace
To think you just started out as a young Malcom James McCormick